Unless you’ve been on a deserted island, you may have missed that advertising and marketing have changed.

People are now finding value and connecting with brands through search, sharing with friends in social networks and subscribing to content they’ve opted-in to receive.

Time to deliver value everywhere

This shift in preferences has fostered the growth of what’s now called Content Marketing.

As a Content Marketing expert and author of the book, YOUTILITY, Jay Baer sums up this shift by describing content as the new “fire” that brands must create to attract and convert customers.

He goes further to claim that Social media is the gasoline that can make the fire burn brighter to be even more attractive.

Extreme makeover ahead?

If you buy into the Content Marketing premise, it goes something like this: Your company is now in the content businesses. That means you need to become a continual supplier of education, insights, and tools that prospects and customers will find relevant, valuable or entertaining in helping them research, choose and use your product or service.

Why do you need to do this? Because the content you create is the fuel that drives successful:

  1. | Inbound marketing + lead generation
  2. | Search engine optimization
  3. | Social media marketing

Content Marketing success in 12 short tweets.

If all of this sounds cool and you’re ready to attempt an overdue transformation from just a promoter of stuff to a provider of helpful insights, we offer this high-level view of Content Marketing.

You can always take a deep dive on what looks interesting. Just land on a tweet and link off for all the details.

Feel free to share this roundup or any single post with others.

Ready to take your brand to the next level?

Would you like to position your brand, express your value, and develop a website that’s optimized for search and converts qualified leads?

To learn more about our strategic approach to integrated online marketing, contact us online or just give us a call at 415.789.5830.


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