If you’re responsible for an organization or run a business, you’re going to need a high-quality blog to market your product or service on the Internet today.

If you’ve started a blog or you’re considering creating one soon, getting people to read your blog is going to be a continuous challenge if you want to make your blog a success.

More importantly, now that every business is also in the “continual content creation business” to be visible on the Internet, you’ll have to considered the implications of this new business requirement.

Barriers to publishing have disappeared.

The barriers to entry for self-publishing get lower with each passing day. And to get people to find your value through a successful blog, you’ll have to do a lot of things right.

Fortunately, consultant, coach, mentor, and speaker, Jeff Bullas, helped us to compile 24 great tips to make your blog more successful. The list below focuses on the activities and best practices that we’ve found to be most useful.

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  1. | Write about customer successes
  2. | Video interview successful people in your industry
  3. | When you have a great idea, write the headline
  4. | Write in bite-size chunks + use bullet points so readers can quickly read
  5. | Be authentic even if you write for an organization blog
  6. | Promote + distribute your posts on social media
  7. | Comment on other blogs and news articles + link back to your blog
  8. | Thank people for comments + answer their questions
  9. | Write a post listing some important bloggers in your industry
  10. | Interlink to other posts in your blog for SEO
  11. | Forgo short content and write long form detailed content
  12. | Only ask for a name + email address on your subscription form
  13. | Enable alerts using Googleon your favorite topics
  14. | Bundle the best blog posts about your niche and turn it into a PDF book
  15. | Use your content, expertise and contacts to produce a Webinar
  16. | Join active Facebook groups relating to your blog focus
  17. | Monitor your brand with Google Alerts or Tweetdeck
  18. | Persist and don’t give up
  19. | Produce evergreen content that is timeless + doesn’t become outdated
  20. | Write blog posts that answer reader challenges
  21. | Work to find your writing voice
  22. | Make it easy for people to consume your content on a mobile device
  23. | Install analytics for insight into what you can fine tune + improve.
  24. | Write awesome headlines for your blog articles

What’s helping you with your blog?

Have you found other techniques or tips that have improved the success of your blog? Share a comment or reach out. We’ll add it to our list.

2 thoughts on “24 tips to make your blog a success.

  1. Nice site.
    Easy navigation,  good content. Nicely

  2. Thanks for the supportive comments. Hope to share more with you soon!

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